Surrogate Advertising Examples What are some examples of surrogate advertising in india?

Surrogate Advertising Examples | Explained in Detail

Surrogate Advertising Examples

Are you curious to know about Surrogate Advertising Examples? If yes, then this is the perfect article for you. In this post, we will deep dive into the world of Surrogate Advertising and explore some of the best examples out there. So, let’s get started.

Pain Points Related to Surrogate Advertising Examples

The biggest pain point related to Surrogate Advertising is that it misleads the audience into believing that the product being advertised is something else. It is a dishonest practice as it lures the customers into purchasing the product under the guise of something else. The other pain point is that it promotes the unhealthy habit of drinking and smoking (as most Surrogate Advertising is done for these products).

Target of Surrogate Advertising Examples

The primary target of Surrogate Advertising Examples is to advertise a product without actually mentioning it. This happens when the actual products are banned (such as liquor and tobacco products) from advertising due to health hazards. By promoting a product under a different name, the advertisers ensure that their marketing campaign does not violate any laws.

Examples of Surrogate Advertising

One of the most famous examples of Surrogate Advertising is McDowell’s No. 1. Even though it is known for being an alcoholic beverage, it markets itself as a soda. Many people who enjoy drinking whiskey prefer it due to its tagline ‘Why should the cola guys have all the fun?’. Its Surrogate Advertising includes a teddy bear with a necktie, a jingle that goes ‘Fill it, shut it, forget it’ and even a TV commercial where the main protagonist tells his friend that they shouldn’t drink and drive before proceeding to open a bottle of McDowell’s No. 1.

McDowells Surrogate Ad

Personally, I have come across various examples of Surrogate Advertising in India. The most common ones that I have seen are liquor brands marketed as energy drinks or mineral water and tobacco brands marketed as mouth fresheners or chewing gums.

Tips for Avoiding Surrogate Advertising Examples

The best way to avoid Surrogate Advertising Examples is by being aware of the products you are consuming. If you have never heard of a product before and it is being advertised extensively, it is best to research it before purchasing to ensure that it is not a surrogate advertisement. Another tip is to avoid consuming products that are known to be harmful to your health.

Surrogate Ads of Celebrities

About Surrogate Advertising Examples

Surrogate Advertising Examples is an advertising technique that promotes a product without actually mentioning it. It is mostly used for banned products such as tobacco and liquor. By advertising these products under different names, companies can promote their brand without breaking the law. Surrogate Advertising Examples is a controversial practice and is viewed as unethical by many.

Surrogate Ad of Kingfisher

Comparison between Surrogate Advertising Examples and Regular Advertising

The main difference between Surrogate Advertising Examples and Regular Advertising is that Surrogate Advertising promotes a product under a different name. It is a popular method of advertising in India as it allows companies to advertise banned products without violating the law. Regular Advertising, on the other hand, directly promotes a product by mentioning its name and highlighting its benefits.

Fact about Surrogate Advertising Examples

Surrogate Advertising was first introduced in the late 1990s in India when liquor was banned from being advertised on TV. Companies used to market their brand under the guise of soda and mineral water to bypass the law. The trend caught up, and now it is a widely used advertising technique for banned products.

Surrogate Ad of Bagpiper Soda

Question and Answer about Surrogate Advertising Examples

Q. Is Surrogate Advertising Ethical?

A. Surrogate Advertising is a controversial practice, and it is viewed as unethical by many. It misleads the audience into believing something else while trying to sell them a different product.

Q. Why is Surrogate Advertising so popular in India?

A. Surrogate Advertising is primarily used for banned products such as tobacco and liquor. India has laws that prohibit advertising these products directly. Hence companies use Surrogate Advertising to promote their brand.

Q. Are all Energy Drinks Surrogate Advertisements for Liquor?

A. Not all Energy Drinks are Surrogate Advertisements for Liquor. However, some companies use this technique to promote their brand indirectly.

Q. Can Surrogate Advertising be legalized?

A. Surrogate Advertising can not be legalized as it is viewed as an unethical practice. It misleads the audience.


Surrogate Advertising Examples is an advertising technique that promotes a product without directly mentioning it. It is a controversial practice and is viewed as unethical by many. Its primary target is to advertise banned products such as tobacco and liquor without violating the law. To avoid Surrogate Advertising, one must be aware of the products they are consuming and avoid consuming products that are harmful to their health.


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